Leading A Group of Sales People In The New World

How do sales leaders harness digital to drive growth? How are management and talent challenges evolving?

Mads Winther
Sales expert working with leading researchers and organizations around the world to shape the sales field and optimize corporate sales practices.
About This Event

As the economy reopens, one urgent question for all sales leaders is how can we sell in a way that is perceived as gracious and selfless vs. desperate or self-serving? On the other side of the sales table, a growing force of customers is asking: is your sales team here to help me, or simply here to sell to me?

Sales organizations may have felt that digital technologies and channels were jeopardizing their business, but they are now realizing they can turn them to their advantage.

Sales leaders, meanwhile, will need clear escalation and exception protocols to manage the trickiest or most valuable situations. As the machines get smarter, the biggest differentiator of success will be the human touch.

Senior executives will need to ask the right questions, vigorously approach the exceptions that the machines highlight, and shine in the areas that AI will always struggle with: ambiguity and emotional engagement.

In this exciting panel discussion, we focus on the role of sales leaders, who will distill a set of lessons into a set of practical, real-world insights across five major themes

  • Finding growth before your competitors do
  • Selling the way customers want
  • Optimizing sales operations and technology
  • Finding sales leaders who continually challenge the status quo and thoughtfully manage performance
  • Leading sales growth to make change happen

March 29, 2021
10:00 am
11:00 am
[GMT +4]
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