Bringing customers into the creative process for consumer product development

Leveraging Data Engineering and Advanced Analytics to derive deeper insights from multiple enterprise data sources and involve customers into the product decisioning process.

Jayaprakash Nair
Industry expert in Advanced Data Analytics with over 21 years in helping Fortune 500 companies build Big Data and Analytics programs. Founder and Chair of the 'Dubai and Abu Dhabi' Chapter of the 40,000 member strong Association of Enterprise Architects (AEA).
About This Event

As per Gartner, 80% of all Enterprise Data is hidden as Dark Data. Data Engineering and Advanced Analytics involves the most modern technologies and tools that can help businesses maximize insights from their data - both structured and unstructured.

Sentiment analysis is one such advanced method of using AI and ML to help businesses mine data and understand their customers. And yet, most of the engines in the market today are struggling to decipher the variations and intricacies that humans communicate in their reviews.

This session will delve deeper into how businesses can turn the wheels around data and make their product decision making process more inclusive for their customers.  

Learn how Altimetrik helped one of the world's largest apparel create one of their best-selling products just by listening to what their customers say when they visit the stores.

Attendees will learn:
1. Ways to derive meaningful insights from your enterprise data that could be hidden in Dark Data and make more informed, data-backed decisions.
2. Role of AI/ML and similar technologies in Data Engineering and Analytics and how are businesses worldwide making use of them.
3. How to involve your customers in the process of creating new products and improving the existing product line.

March 22, 2021
11:00 am
12:00 pm
[GMT +4]
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