B2B Sales has evolved multifold over the last decade. Join us to learn the latest techniques and tools to boost your B2B offerings.
It’s difficult to build a super sales team in the post-COVID world. Where do you go to learn best practices? This lack of knowledge results in under-performing sales people, ineffective comp plans, missed sales goals, and sales targets that are simply too low.
"The new world of B2B Sales" panel discussion will bring panellists to discuss the challenges that organisations face in understanding the customer’s business, their pains and gains and also brainstorm solutions to all these challenges, and much more.
We intend to discuss the characteristics of an exceptional sales manager and sales team, the processes that will boost team success, and how attendees can use that new drive to boost their revenue in B2B markets.
We will intend to touch upon topics like reaching well informed consumers who know more than the sales team and therefore, they should not present products, but understand the customer's business, pains and gains - more than ever.
Learn how to discuss what matters most from seasoned professionals to handle difficult conversations effectively.
In this event, we will discuss the various ways video assessment tools are transforming the Talent landscape
The event will explain the importance of marketing consultation towards global economy and why businesses should work more on their marketing. Focusing more on the strategies taken by the companies for running their dropshipping business during the COVID-19 pandemic and their economic impact on e-commerce mainly using social media platforms before and after the pandemic.
Join this workshop to gain new sales techniques to strengthen your competence in segmentation to create a better customer experience.
Performing a self-diagnostic to understand if this is for you and if this is the right time.
The event will be centered on showcasing how businesses can embrace sales AI to identify patterns, determine which leads are most likely to be converted into deals, and to formulate suggested actions which are, based on data and most likely to lead to the best possible outcome.