Sales enablement: Let 2022 be the year to make sales easier

Learn and be inspired to make 2022 the year of making sales easier by understanding the buyers customer journey and aligning it with your sales.

Mads Winther
Sales expert working with leading researchers and organizations around the world to shape the sales field and optimize corporate sales practices.
About This Event

Sales enablement is about right sales behavior, not just software and automations.

For years sales enablement have been the highlight in sales. Normally, enablement means to get sales done more efficiently and very often including software tools to track and measure sales people – and also presenter systems.

But, instead of making it all about systems, make it about people. We know that even systems have to be handled by human beings. So, it is actually all about getting the right behavior in your sales organization and that fits with the needs of your customers.

Actually, we could turn this around and speak less about sales enablement and more about buyer enablement. Making it easy to buy, makes it easy to sell.

In this live event we will address 3 of the most important topics to do sales enablement:

* Understanding customer journey to make it easy to buy from you
* Defining the sales process to be efficient and beneficial for both buyer and seller
* Getting the right sales culture to increase customer loyalty

If you participate in this live event, you will be inspired to make 2022 the year of making sales easier by understanding the buyers customer journey and aligning it with your sales.

From this you will get:

* More efficient sales
* Easier access to new customers
* More existing customers to buy

At the same time you can join our community and constantly be inspired to make your sales to be performing at optimum capacity.

Athlete constantly seek for progress in performance. Do you remember that in your sales?

January 26, 2022
11:00 am
12:00 pm
[GMT +4]
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