Gamification for Change

We will harness the power of game design to boost change in organizations or clients, through engagement and learning cycles.

Javier Velasquez
Colombian Gamification Designer, Creator of the BEM framework, 2 times GamiCon Throwdown Award winner and Gamification Researcher
About This Event

Gamification goes beyond simple rewards and mechanics. Meaningful and systemic gamification understands that players play the game for more diverse reasons, like mastery, empowerment, efficiency, relatedness, hedonism, discovery and meaning. Through the conjunction of behavioral sciences, motivation theories and game design you can actually reduce resistance to change and motivate behaviors.

If you are interested in implementing a gamified system, you need to know the possible pitfalls of recurring on extrinsic motivation and reward cycles, as farming for points can have a boosting effect on the short term but create trouble for you in the long run.

This workshop will not only give you technics from the realm of game design, but will also help you go deeper into understanding the human mind and the drivers that move us.

Attendees will learn how to create a BEM motivation map of approach and avoidance drivers to focus your design. Afterwards, we’ll check how to create gameful goals and challenges for your users, through narrative and uncertainty. Then we will briefly explore decision architectures to create designed behaviors and autonomy. Finally we’ll work around creating feedback loops through the use of several game technics.

March 25, 2021
5:00 pm
8:00 pm
[GMT +4]
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