Unlocking Value by Transforming Operational Efficiencies: From Steps to Leaps

A webinar that gives an insight on how your business can achieve the best results by transforming operational efficiencies.

About This Event

Every Organization's eternal desire is for its teams to proactively unlock value. While strategy pushes the top-line value, the mass of value-creation opportunities impacting bottom line sits in the operations.

Now to realize these opportunities, a tectonic shift is needed in the thinking amongst the large pool of front-liners, managers & their leaders, who on a day-to-day basis drive the operations engine. A shift is needed from 'improve' to 'transform'. This needs to be supported by the right organizational climate to inspire, facilitate and reward value creation.

Through engaging real world examples & case studies, this talk brings alive practical yet counter-intuitive approach to unlock this value by transforming operational efficiencies.

It's a given, an understatement that Pandemic is a Black Swan event that has forced Organizations to re-examine & redesign every aspect of their business. The need for transformation in operations is at an all time high. But, how to go about this by-design? Is this even possible or just a wishlist item.

This engaging talk will help you understand:

1. Transformation - Steps to Leaps in Operational Efficiencies - What does it mean?
2. What does it take team to launch into Leap journeys? - The Recipe - 5 Myths to be broken.
3. Where to start and how to go about it? - The launch pad, the fuel and the climate.

March 28, 2021
9:00 am
10:00 am
[GMT +4]
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