About This Event

We all know the value of having timely and effective difficult conversation, sometimes even a big relief once it’s over. Most of us have paid the price for avoiding, delaying or messing it up.

This panel discussion will provide clarity on how to go about it, the preparation required and a roadmap to help control or navigate the conversation.

Tap into the rich experience of the panelists, who will share insights and their personal “Do’s” & “Don’ts”.

After the session, you will:
•    Gain clarity and confidence to proactively surfacing difficult conversations
•    Find it easier to overcome fear and doubts to step ahead with courage to steer the dialogue effectively.
•    Be able to improve the quality of your significant inter-personal relationships

Attend this session if you want to pick up insights and practices to improve the quality of your relationships with your boss, your clients, your partner / spouse, your friends and your children.

March 29, 2021
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
[GMT +4]
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