Understand the essential elements of a successful marketing measurement strategy, from understanding objectives, choice of tools and configuration to effective analysis and communication.
This session will cover:
• The best way to ensure a successful measurement strategy is to ensure that the basics are right
• Captured data has never been more critical to marketing teams
• Align everything with business objectives
• Consider everything, including how tracking is implemented, which technologies to use and how to share data, within the context of privacy
Attendees get the benefit of:
• Getting the basics right
• Understand new tools, skillsets and master the approaches
• Identifying what can be achieved quickly with what an organization already has
• Identifying the priorities
• Determining what value would be added by continuing on a data journey
• Get a retrospective justification for why we should avoid considerable investment in a shiny new technology.
Understand challenges of brands and learn about overall cutting edge strategies to build Retention & Engagement with data, automation, and gamification
Understand how to navigate the complicated legal environment when setting up your e-commerce business in the UAE.
A talk on what startups should consider while they take their business to the next level
Learn more about various provisions of the UAE Corporate Tax• Identification of relevant CT areas along with its possible impact• Applicable CT compliances along with timelines• Understanding the way forward for CT impact assessment• Understanding the CT implementation and timeline for completion
Join our panel of sales leaders who have extensive experience in developing the dealer form of sales, to learn how you can exceptionally manage your dealers to maximise your sales potential
This webinar will discuss what your company can do in the face of financial distress, particularly with respect to engaging with its creditors and other stakeholders to arrive how to arrive at a consensual restructuring.