Quality of Mind - Future Fit

Understand the fundamentals of how the mind works to fluidly and easily realize higher performance and well-being without the need for rigorous discipline or managing thoughts and behaviors.

Piers Thurston
Thought leader with over 20 years of experience in coaching and helping organizations unlock human potential by understanding the principles of the mind
About This Event

Quality of Mind (QoM) is a foundation for a higher level of performance and wellbeing that drives positive organizational change and effectiveness.

What is new about Quality of Mind?
•        Fundamentals of how the mind works
•        Shifts to higher performance without the need for discipline
•        Adding value at work AND in our broader lives
•        No tradeoff between higher performance and wellbeing

What will be covered?
•        Understand what is meant by QoM, how it affects us and everything we do
•        Identify different levels of QoM and the effect they have on ourselves and businesses
•        The secret behind higher clarity of mind in any circumstance
•        Bespoke 1-2-1 coaching session (post web event) to discuss QoM and any challenges you or your organisation are experiencing

Attendees will benefit from:
•        Gain new variables to leverage
•        Change readiness
•        Solve intractable business problems
•        Higher resilience, performance & wellbeing
•        More effortless leadership
•        Increased innovation
•        Increased desire & resourcefulness to act

March 23, 2021
5:00 pm
8:00 pm
[GMT +4]
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