Senior Professionals: A Comprehensive Background Investigation

The experts describe the 'why' and 'when' of understanding red flags/issues related to senior professional hiring

Deepak Bhawnani
Pioneer & Industry Veteran with over 33 years of experience educating, advising and supporting corporations with Risk Mitigation and Fraud Investigation.
About This Event

Senior talent acquisition requires a considerable investment of resources and time. While rushing to fill a critical senior role, the screening is often limited to referrals from known people. Negligent hiring of senior professionals can be detrimental to the organisation, considering that the stakes are high in terms of responsibilities and influence. Consequences may include loss of reputation, hefty fines, and falling share prices, especially in the case of corporate fraud – all affecting profitability.

Discrepancies in work experience and resume fraud are not the only red flags associated with a senior hire. In order to prevent incidents caused by potential hires, an in-depth understanding should be conducted to assess reputation, leadership style, loyalty, financial delinquencies, domestic and international affiliations, and many others. The current scenario has heightened demand for independent expertise to determine the integrity quotient of senior professionals.

In this session, the experts describe the WHY and WHEN of understanding red flags/issues related to senior professional hiring. Considering the responsibilities and influence senior professionals bring in, along with potential liabilities, conflicts of interest and public exposure; a comprehensive background screening is pragmatic.

December 7, 2021
10:00 am
10:45 am
[GMT +4]
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