Are you M&A ready?

Performing a self-diagnostic to understand if this is for you and if this is the right time.

About This Event

80% of M&As fail to meet their desired outcomes.

A large part of this can be avoided if the deal preparation is done in a more planned manner and both organizations are really prepared to merge. But this preparation is a lot more than just aligning at the negotiation table. It is a factor of ensuring a thorough preparedness internally – which will include developing trust and ensuring transparency.

But that begins way before the deal is on the table. It happens years before. It begins when a company understands that this is a positive eventuality for their business goals.

But is this the right time?

52% of APAC & MENA business leaders say they intend to pursue M&A during the current year. M&A deal activity is forecasted increase by 49% over the next 2 years.

So, the right question should be: Can you afford to be caught off-guard?

This session will aim to educate the audience about M&As, how they happen, what you need to prepare for one and how to evaluate whether you are ready to consider one for your organization.

So how does one prepare for an M&A? Is this the right time to consider one?

March 25, 2021
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
[GMT +4]
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